Thursday, March 29, 2018

If You Want To Regrow Thick, Strong Hair Mix These 3 Ingredients!

veryone loses hair. So if you notice a few strands of hair on the floor in your bathroom, it might not be cause for concern. It’s normal to lose about 50-100 hairs per day. But if you begin to notice bald patching or excessive thinning, you may be experiencing hair loss.

What Causes Hair Loss?

Millions of people experience hair loss for different reasons. When hair loss happens suddenly, it may be due to illness, diet, medicine or childbirth. When hair loss happens more gradually, it may be hereditary. Factors that can cause hair loss include:

– Hereditary thinning or baldness

– Autoimmune disease

– Major surgery

– Severe infections

– Cancer treatments

– Childbirth

– Menopause

– Stress

– Weight loss

– Iron deficiency

– Eating disorder

– Medication

– Hair products

You surely have already tried some of the hair products which promise to reverse the hair loss process, but none of them actually works.

If You Want To Regrow Thick, Strong Hair Mix These 3 Ingredients! #hair #skin #beauty #longhair #stronghair #remedy #beautyblogger

The following natural hair tonic will provide amazing effects, as it will help you strengthen and regrow your hair. It is affordable and easy to make, as it contains three ingredients:

1. Castor Oil

This oil is high in the amino acid ricinoleic, which enters the skin of the scalp and follicles, and regulates the pH levels, preventing hair loss and dandruff.

2. Egg Yolk

The eggs have lots of beneficial ingredients in its content. The protein, fatty acids, and vitamins are one of them which are responsible for giving strength to your hair. The vitamin that provides moisturizing to your hair is vitamin A, which is present in the content of the yolk which also can promote growth.  Lecithin as another beneficial ingredient will protect the hair from breakage.

3. Honey

Full of antioxidants this natural product can provide some softness to your hair and at the same time will boost the follicles and the scalp. In this tonic honey will provide you healthy grow and as well promoting growth.  Honey also has the power to moisturize your hair to be exact the sugar in the honey which also can prevent hair loss.

Here is how to prepare the natural hair tonic:


– 2 tablespoons of castor oil

– 1 egg

– 1 tablespoons of honey


1. Combine all of the ingredients into a bowl and stir well. You can double or triple the recipe depending on the length of your hair.

2. Apply for to the scalp and roots of the hair, then apply the remaining mixture to the rest of your hair.

3. Put a shower cap on to cover your hair and let the tonic sit for 2-4 hours.

4. Rinse, wash and condition your hair as usual.

5. Use this tonic once or twice a week. In about 2 months, you’ll notice the amazing results!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Miraculous Hair Mask That Will Make Your Hair Grow In 1 Week

If you are among those suffering from hair loss, well you don’t have worry anymore. There is a natural remedy that can stop hair loss and make your hair grow faster.

This remedy is completely natural and doesn’t contain toxins.


– Half a banana
– Half a cup of beer
– 1 egg yolk
– 1 tablespoon of honey

Method of preparation:

Mix everything in a blender and apply the mask all over your hair. Let this amazing hair mask to act for 2 hours, and then rinse with warm water.

The Miraculous Hair Mask That Will Make Your Hair Grow In 1 Week #health #beauty #diy #healthy #hair #mask
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Sunday, March 25, 2018

This Is How To Use Coconut Oil And Baking Soda To Look 10 Years Younger

If you have problems with wrinkles and sagging facial skin, do not worry. In the following text we will present you amazing homemade natural cleanser that will put an end to your problems.

In this article, we will show you a recipe for an incredible natural face cleanser that will provide deep cleansing of the pores and aid your efforts to remove acne and blackheads.

In addition, this natural combo will help you get rid of dead skin cells, eliminate excess dirt and dust and remove acne, scars, and redness.

This natural face cleanser combines two amazingly effective natural ingredients – coconut oil and baking soda.
As we all know, baking soda is a very strong, versatile ingredient that is utilized in many different ways. For instance, people use baking soda to prepare different baked goods, as well as when performing household chores. Baking soda comes in handy when you are in need of a natural polishing or deodorizing product.

 This Is How To Use Coconut Oil And Baking Soda To Look 10 Years Younger #beauty #health #diy #backing #oil

In addition, some of them use baking soda as a cleaning product, as a replacement for toxic and harmful commercial cleaners.



  • 2 teaspoons of extra virgin coconut oil

  • A teaspoon of baking soda



Mix the ingredients in a bowl until they form a paste. Apply it on the affected area, rubbing slowly.

Leave the mask on for 5 minutes and then rinse your face with warm water. You can apply a gentle massage after treatment.

You do not need to apply a moisturizer after the procedure because coconut oil will hydrate your skin perfectly.

If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Pinterest. Thank you! <3
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Saturday, March 24, 2018

9 Proven Ways To Fix The Hormones That Control Your Weight

Hormones control our weight immensely. According to a research, they also influence how much fat we store as well as our appetite.

In this article, we’re going to present you 9 ways that will help you “fix” the hormones which control your weight.


This is a hormone which the beta cells of the pancreas produce. Throughout the day, it’s secreted in small amounts. After meals, it’s secreted in greater amounts. This hormone gives our cells the possibility to store blood sugar for what we need in that moment.

Insulin is also considered to be the main fat storage hormone in the body. It prevents stored fat to break down and tells fat cells to store fat. It is very common to have cells that are insulin resistant. Then, the insulin levels as well as the blood sugar increase to a greater extent.

Insulin levels which are increased chronically is called hyperinsulinemia and it can causemetabolic syndromeand obesity.

The overeating of fast food, sugar andrefined carbohydrates increases the levels of insulin and causes insulin resistance,


Avoid or minimize sugar:Sucrose and fructose in high amounts can increase the levels of insulin and promote insulin resistance.

Reduce carbohydrates: A diet low in carbs can decrease the insulin levels.

Fill up on protein: Protein increases insulin in the short-term. It will also help you lose belly fat.

Include plenty of healthy fats:Fatty fish which contain Omega-3 fats can decrease your levels of insulin.

Exercise regularly:Jogging or walking briskly can improve the sensitivity to insulin.

Get enough magnesium:People who are resistant to insulin are often low in magnesium. Insulin sensitivity can be improved with the help of magnesium supplements.

Drink green tea: Green tea can decrease the levels of insulin as well as the levels of blood sugar.

9 Proven Ways To Fix The Hormones That Control Your Weight #weightloss #fatlose #diy #health #fitness #remedy


Leptin is a hormone produced by our fat cells. It is also called the “satiety hormone” which makes you feel full and decreases your appetite. It communicates with the hypothalamus. This is the part of our brain which regulates the intake of food and the appetite.

Leptin helps us prevent overeating by telling our brain that there’s enough fat in storage.

People who are obese usually have increased levels of leptin in their blood. According to a study, the levels of leptin in obese people were 4 times higher than in people who had normal weight.

If leptin decreases appetite, obese people with high levels of leptin should lose weight because they’ll start eating less.

Unfortunately, when people are obese, the leptin system doesn’t work well and it’s called leptin resistance.

When leptin doesn’t work well, it can’t send a signal to our brain that we have enough stored energy.

Your brain thinks that you’re very hungry, so you start eating.

Leptin levels are also decreased when you lose weight.

Two potential causes of leptin resistance are inflammation in the hypothalamusandchronically increased insulin levels.


Avoid inflammatory foods:The include trans-fats and sugary drinks.

Eat certain foods: Eat more anti-inflammatory foods like fatty fish.

Exercise regularly:Leptin sensitivity can be improved by moderate activity.

Get enough sleep:According to some studies, insufficient sleep can increase the appetite and decrease the levels of leptin.

Supplements:Fish oil and alpha-lipoic acid are proven as good.


Ghrelin is also called the “hunger hormone.”

Your stomach releases ghrelin when it’s empty, so it sends a message to the hypothalamus that you need to eat.

The levels of ghrelin are usually increased before eating and decreased 1 hour after you’ve had a meal.

In people who are obese, fasting ghrelin levels are often lower than in people of normal weight.

According to studies, after obese peopleintake a meal, their ghrelin only decreases slightly. Their hypothalamus doesn’t receive a strong signal to stop eating, so it leads to overeating.

Ghrelin levels can be decreased in these ways:

Sugar: Avoid sugar-sweetened drinks and high-fructose corn syrup.

Protein:Include protein in every meal, especially during breakfast.


Cortisol is produced by our adrenal glands.

The other name for this hormone is the “stress hormone” since it is released when our body feels stressed.

Chronically increased levels of cortisol can cause weight gain because they will lead to overeating.

According to a study, women who had excess of weight around their middle respond to stress with a very increased cortisol.

Here are some ways to help you decrease the levels of cortisol:

Balanced diet:You should eat a diet based on real foods, but not cutting the calories to an extreme amount.

Meditate:It’s a great way to decrease the production of cortisol significantly.

Listen to music:It has been scientifically proved that the levels of cortisol don’t increased if you listen to soothing music.

Sleep more:Good sleep and rest is crucial for normalized cortisol.


Estrogen is considered to be the most important female sex hormone.

The ovaries produce it as well as some other cells throughout a woman’s life. It makes some changes through the period of puberty and makes the breasts grow.

Very low and very high levels of estrogen can cause weight gain.

When the reproductive years happen, this hormone lets women store enough fat so that they could have enough energy for their pregnancy.

Obese women have more increasedlevels of estrogen than normal weight women. According to some researches, it’s because of the environment.

Here are some things you can do to help you manage the levels of estrogen:

Fiber: Eat plenty of fiber.

Cruciferous vegetables:These are very beneficial for the estrogen.

Flax seeds:Flax seeds are amazing for the levels of estrogen.

Exercise: Physical activity can contribute a lot.


This hormone is produced by the nervous system as well as the brain cells.

It stimulates the appetite, especially for carbohydrates. It is the highest during periods of food deprivationorfasting.

Stress can increase the levels of neuropeptide Y and it leads to abdominal fat gain and overeating.


Protein: A diet low in protein can increase the release of NPY and it causes weight gain, increased food intake or hunger.

Don’t fast for too long:Fasting periods which are very long can increase the levels of NPY dramatically.

Soluble fiber: Eat plenty of soluble prebiotic fiber to feed the friendly bacteria in your gut.


This hormone is produced in our gut when nutrients enter the lower digestive tract.

It keeps our levels of blood sugar stable and you feel satiated.

The decrease in appetite which occurs immediately after a weight loss surgery mostly happens because of an increased production of GLP-1.

Here’s how to increase GLP-1:

Eat plenty of protein: Yogurt, fish orwhey protein can improve insulin sensitivityandincrease GLP-1 levels.

Eat anti-inflammatory foods: Chronic inflammation is connected to reduced GLP-1 production.

Leafy greens:Kale and spinach are especially good.

Probiotics: During an animal study, a probiotic supplement that was used increased the levels of GLP-1 and that led to a reduction in food intake.


This is also a satiety hormone produced by the cells in our gut.

Increased amounts of CCK can decrease the intake of food intake in both obese and lean people.

Here are some strategies that can help you increase CCK:

Protein: Eat plenty of protein with every meal.

Healthy fat:Fat can trigger the release of CCK.

Fiber:Beans and other foods which contain fiber can increase the levels of CCK.


Peptide YY (PYY) is also a gut hormone which controls our appetite.

The cells of the lowest portion of our gutrelease it.

It has a great role to decrease your risk of obesity and reduce the intake of food.

You can increase the PYY like this:

Lower-carb diet:A diet based on unprocessed foods can help you have stable levels of blood sugar. Increased blood sugar can impair the effects of PYY’s.

Protein:You can intake protein from plant and animal sources.

Fiber:Plenty of fiber is necessary.


The hormones work mutually to enable fat storage as well as decrease our appetite.

If their work is disturbed, we’ll have problems with our weight.

Some lifestyle changes and a change in our diet can help us greatly.
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6 Best Exercises to Fix Your Slouch

Did you know that for every inch the head moves forward in posture, its weight on your neck and upper back muscles increases by 10 pounds?

For example, a human head weighing 12 pounds held forward only 3 inches from the shoulders results in 42 pounds of pressure on the neck and upper back muscles. That’s the equivalent of almost three watermelons resting on your neck and back!

When you neglect your posture, you invite chronic back pain. Rounding your low back while sitting for extended periods of time in front of a computer, standing for hours stooped over, sleeping improperly and lifting poorly can all lead to debilitating aches.

Maintaining the natural lumbar curve in your low back is essential to preventing posture-related back pain. This natural curve works as a shock absorber, helping to distribute weight along the length of your spine. Adjusting postural distortions can help stop back pain.

A basic remedy to sitting all day is to simply get up! Frequently getting up from a seated position and doing these six quick and easy realignment exercises can help you reeducate your muscles from getting stuck in a hunched over cave man position.

6 Best Exercises to Fix Your Slouch #health #beauty #fitness #workout #diy


chintuckThe Chin Tuck can help reverse forward-head posture by strengthening the neck muscles.

This exercise can be done sitting or standing. Start with your shoulders rolled back and down. While looking straight ahead, place two fingers on your chin, slightly tuck your chin and move your head back. Hold for 3-5 seconds and then release. Repeat 10 times.

Tip: The more of a double chin you create, the better the results. If you’re in a parked car, try doing the Chin Tuck pressing the back of your head into the headrest for 3-5 seconds. Do 15-20 repetitions.



wall-angelStand with your back against a flat wall with your feet about four inches from the base. Maintain a slight bend in your knees. Your glutes, spine and head should all be against the wall. Bring your arms up with elbows bent so your upper arms are parallel to the floor and squeeze your shoulder blades together, forming a letter “W”. Hold for 3 seconds.

Next, straighten your elbows to raise your arms up to form the letter “Y.” Make sure not to shrug your shoulders to your ears. Repeat this 10 times, starting at “W,” holding for 3 seconds and then raising your arms into a “Y.” Do 2-3 sets.



doorway-stretchThis exercise loosens those tight chest muscles!

Standing in a doorway, lift your arm so it’s parallel to the floor and bend at the elbow so your fingers point toward the ceiling. Place your hand on the doorjamb.

Slowly lean into your raised arm and push against the doorjamb for 7-10 seconds. Relax the pressure and then press your arm against the doorjamb again, this time coming into a slight lunge with your legs so your chest moves forward past the doorjamb for 7-10 seconds. Repeat this stretch two to three times on each side.



hipflexorKneel onto your right knee with toes down, and place your left foot flat on the floor in front of you.

Place both hands on your left thigh and press your hips forward until you feel a good stretch in the hip flexors.

Contract your abdominals and slightly tilt your pelvis back while keeping your chin parallel to the floor. Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds, and then switch sides.




xmoveThis exercise helps strengthen your upper back muscles, especially the ones between your shoulder blades (the rhomboids).

Sit on the floor with your legs extended forward. Place the middle of the resistance band around the bottom of your feet and cross one side over the other to form an “X”.

Grasp the ends of the band with your arms extended in front of you.

Pull the ends of the band toward your hips, bending your elbows so they point backward (image at left). Hold and slowly return. Do 8-12 repetitions for three sets.



v-moveAccording to a 2013 study by the Scandinavian Society of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, performing this simple resistance band exercise 2 minutes a day, five times a week, will significantly decrease your neck and shoulder pain and improve your posture.

While standing, stagger your feet so one is slightly behind the other. Grasp the handles, or the ends, of the resistance band and lift your arms upward and slightly outward away from your body about 30 degrees.

Keep a slight bend in your elbows. Stop at shoulder level; hold and return.

Make sure to keep your shoulder blades down and back straight. Repeat this exercise for 2 minutes each day, five days a week.
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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

99 Quick and Fascinating Facts About the Human Body

  1. The only part of the body that has no blood supply is the cornea of the eye. It receives oxygen directly from the air.

  2. The human brain has a memory capacity which is the equivalent of more than four terabytes on a hard drive.

  3. A newborn child can breathe and swallow at the same time for up to seven months.

  4. Your skull is made up of 29 different bones.

  5. Nerve impulses sent from the brain move at a speed of 274 km/h.

  6. A single human brain generates more electrical impulses in a day than all the telephones of the world combined.

  7. The average human body contains enough sulphur to kill all the fleas on the average dog, enough carbon to make 900 pencils, enough potassium to fire a toy cannon, enough fat to make seven bars of soap and enough water to fill a 50-litre barrel.

  8. The human heart pumps 182 million litres of blood during the average lifetime.

  9. 50,000 cells in your body died and were replaced by new ones while you were reading this sentence.

  10. The human embryo acquires fingerprints within three months of conception.

  11. Women’s hearts beat faster than men’s.

  12. A man named Charles Osborne hiccupped for a total of 68 years.

  13. Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.

  14. About two thirds of people tilt their head to the right when kissing.

  15. The average person forgets 90% of their dreams.

  16. The total length of all the blood vessels in the human body is about 100,000 km.

  17. On average, a person’s respiration rate is one third higher in spring than in autumn.

  18. By the end of a person’s life, they can recall, on average, around 150 trillion pieces of information.

  19. We lose 80% of our body heat from the head.

  20. When you blush, your stomach also turns red.

  21. A feeling of thirst occurs when water loss is equal to 1% of your body weight. The loss of more than 5% can cause fainting, and more than 10% causes death from dehydration.

  22. At least 700 enzymes are active in the human body.

  23. Human beings are the only living things which sleep on their backs.

  24. The average four-year-old child asks 450 questions a day.

  25. Not only human beings, but also koalas have unique finger prints.

  26. Only 1% of the bacteria can result in the human body becoming ill.

  27. Everyone alive on Earth could comfortably be placed into a cube with sides 1000 meters long.

  28. The scientific name for the belly button is the umbilicus.

  29. Teeth are the only part of the human body which cannot heal themselves.

  30. On average, a person needs seven minutes to fall asleep.

  31. Right-handed people chew most of their food on the right side of their mouth, whereas left-handed people do so on the left.

  32. Only 7% of people are left-handed.

  33. The fragrance of apples and bananas can help a person to lose weight.

  34. If allowed to grow for their whole lifetime, the length of someone’s hair would be about 725 kilometres.

  35. Out of all the people who can move their ears, only one third of them are able to move just one ear.

  36. During their lifetime, a person will on average accidentally swallow eight small spiders.

  37. The total weight of the bacteria in the human body is 2 kg.

  38. 99% of the calcium contained in the human body is in one’s teeth.

  39. Human lips are hundreds of times more sensitive than the tips of a person’s fingers.

  40. A kiss increases a person’s pulse to 100 beats per minute or more.

  41. The total strength of masticatory muscles on one side of your jaw is equal to 195 kilograms.

  42. A person passes on 278 different types of bacteria to another person when they kiss them. Fortunately, 95% of them are not harmful.

  43. Parthenophobia is a fear of virgins.

  44. If you collected all the iron contained in the human body, you would get just a small cog, big enough only for use in your watch.

  45. There are more than 100 different viruses which cause a cold.

  46. If someone kisses another person for a certain amount of time, this is much more effective in terms of hygiene than using chewing gum, as it normalises the level of acidity in your oral cavities.

  47. You can lose 150 calories per hour if you hit your head against the wall.

  48. Human beings are the only animals which can draw straight lines.

  49. Human skin is completely replaced about 1,000 times during a person’s lifetime.

  50. A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day is doing the equivalent of drinking half a cup of tar a year.

  51. Women blink about two times less often than men.

  52. The structure of the human body contains only four minerals: apatite, aragonite, calcite, and crystobalite.

  53. A passionate kiss causes the same chemical reactions in the brain that skydiving and firing a gun do.

  54. Men are officially classified as dwarves if their height is below 1.3 m, whereas for women the measure is 1.2 m.

  55. Fingernails grow about four times faster than your toenails.

  56. People with blue eyes are more sensitive to pain than others.

  57. Nerve impulses in the human body move at about 90 m/s.

  58. 100,000 chemical reactions occur in the human brain every second.

  59. Everyone has dimples on their lower back, but on some people they are more pronounced than on others. They appear where the pelvis joins with the sacrum, so their appearance makes sense.

  60. If one identical twins lacks a certain tooth, the other twin will not have that tooth either.

  61. The surface area of the human lungs is approximately equal to the area of a tennis court.

  62. During a person’s lifetime, they spend about 2 weeks kissing.

  63. The facial hair of a blonde-haired man grows faster than that of a man with dark hair.

  64. Leukocytes in the human body live for two to four days, and erythrocytes for three to four months.

  65. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.

  66. The human heart is approximately equal in size to that of a person’s fist. An adult’s heart weights 220-260 grams.

  67. At birth, there are 14 billion cells in the human brain. This number does not increase throughout a person’s lifetime. After 25 years, the number of cells falls by 100,000 every day. About 70 cells die in the minute it takes you to read a page in a book. After 40 years, the decline of the brain accelerates sharply, and after 50 years neurons (that is, nerve cells) shrink and the brain gets smaller.

  68. At birth, a child’s body is made up of around 300 bones. But an adult has just 206.

  69. During a person’s lifetime, the small intestine is about 2.5 meters. After they die, the muscles in the walls of their intestine relax, and it’s length increases to 6 meters.

  70. Your right lung can take in more air than your left.

  71. An adult person performs around 23,000 inhalations and exhalations a day.

  72. The smallest cells in a man’s body are sperm cells.

  73. There are about 40,000 bacteria in the human mouth.

  74. Each of us has around 2,000 taste buds.

  75. The human eye can distinguish 10 million different colours.

  76. The chemical compound in the body which causes feelings of ecstasy (phenylethylamine) is also contained in chocolate.

  77. The human heart pumps blood at such pressure that it would be able to raise blood up to the fourth floor of a building.

  78. A person burns more calories when they are asleep than when they watch TV.

  79. Children grow faster in the spring.

  80. Every year more than 2 million left-handed people die because of mistakes they make when using machines designed for right-handed people.

  81. It turns out that one man in every three hundred is capable of satisfying themselves orally.

  82. A person uses 17 muscles when they smile, and 43 when they frown.

  83. By the age of 60 most people lose half of their taste buds.

  84. The rate at which a person’s hair grows doubles during an airplane flight.

  85. One percent of people can see infra-red light and 1% can see ultra violet radiation.

  86. If you were locked in a completely sealed room, you would not die due to a lack of air, but from carbon dioxide poisoning.

  87. Statistically, only one person out of two billion reaches the age of 116 years old.

  88. On average, a person says 4,800 words in 24 hours.

  89. The retinas inside the eye cover about 650 square mm and contain 137 million light-sensitive cells: 130 million are for black and white vision and 7 million are for helping you see in colour.

  90. Our eyes remain the same size as they were at birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.

  91. In the morning, a person is about 8 millimetres taller than in the evening.

  92. The muscles which help your eyes to focus complete around 100,000 movements a day. In order to make your leg muscles do the same amount of movements, you would need to walk 80 kilometres.

  93. A cough amounts to an explosive charge of air which moves at speeds up to 60 miles per hour.

  94. According to German researchers, the risk of having heart attack is higher on Monday than on any other day of the week.

  95. Bones are about 5 times stronger than steel.

  96. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

  97. Ingrown toenails are hereditary.

  98. A person would die quicker from a total lack of sleep than from hunger. Death would occur after ten days without sleep, whereas from hunger it would take several weeks.

  99. The average life expectancy is 2,475,576,000 seconds. During this time we pronounce, on average, around 123,205,750 words and have sex 4,239 times.

99 Quick and Fascinating Facts About the Human Body #fact #about #beauty #health #fitness #womens #beautyblogger
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You Can Remove Back and Underarm Fat With Just 5 Workouts

If you are embarrassed by your arm and back fat, and you can’t wear your favorite dresses anymore than it is a time to make a change in your lifestyle. You should try to avoid the bad habits and start a healthier life. Start some proper diet and find a workout plan which will improve your self- confidence and self-esteem.

Here you will find 5 excellent workouts which will help you lose the back and underarm fat in a fast and easy way.

The Most Effective ARMPIT & BACK FAT Burning Workout #health #beauty #fitness #diy #burn

1. Triceps extension with cobra

Lay prone on the ground with bent elbows and your fingertips in line with your chest. Then you should extend your elbows and push your upper body and hips off the floor. When your elbows reach full extension, bring your body back to the starting position. Repeat it ten times.

2. Side shoulder dumbbell raises

Start standing with dumbbells in your hands by your sides. Then lift the dumbbells to your side with a slight bend on the elbows till your arms are parallel to the ground. Hold the position for several seconds and then lower your arms in the starting position. Repeat it 10 times.

3. Triceps Extension

Take dumbbells in your hand and stand tall. Squeeze your body muscles and then press the weight over your head till your arms are straight. After that, try not to move your upper arms, and bend your elbows to lower the weights behind your head until your forearms are at least parallel to the floor. Make a pause for few seconds and then return to the starting position. Repeat it 15 times.

4. Push-ups

Start on your hands and knees with your hands underneath your shoulders. Then come onto the balls of your feet and the heels of your hands, and then walk the feet back until you are in the plank position. Bend your elbows, lowering your body down. Then slowly push yourself back up to the starting position. Repeat it ten times.

5. Triceps dumbbell kickback

You should place your left knee on the bench with your left hand palm down on the bench in front of you. With your right hand take a dumbbell. Then raise your arm until it is in a straight line with your body, keeping your elbow tucked into your side and bent to a 90-degree angle. Extend your arm until it is in line with your shoulder. Keep this position for several seconds and then lower your arm in the starting position. Repeat it 10 times.

After one month of regular exercises, your arms and back will be straightened and you will be proud of your body again. So don’t think twice start this workout plan immediately.
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Sunday, March 18, 2018

The Healthiest Breakfast: Clean Your Body From Toxins And Lose 11 Pounds In A Month

According to nutritionists, this breakfast is probably the healthiest and at the same time tastiest of all breakfasts that you will read about on internet.

This breakfast is rich in vitamins and minerals that will stabilize your metabolism, will strengthen all bodily systems and also will enhance the look of your skin and hair.

This recipe will help you to get rid of all body toxins and your bowels will be completely clean.

The recipe in this article eliminates the issues related to lazy bowels and constipation, stabilizes weight and support burning of fat and calories. If you drink this beverage for 30 days, you can expect to lose between three and eleven pounds.

Your skin, nails and hair will rejuvenate and you will notice the reduction of the size of your belly.

Clean Your Body From Toxins And Lose 11 Pounds In A Month #health #beauty #diy #fitness #diet

Healthiest Breakfast


  • Two tablespoons of oatmeal

  • 1 cup (250 ml) of organic kefir (You can use low-fat yogurt, too)

  • One teaspoon of cocoa powder

  • One teaspoon of milled flaxseed

  • Between five and seven fleshy plums


Prepare this breakfast in the evening and eat it in the morning.

Put the plums into a bowl and pour about 100 ml of boiling water over them. Cover the bowl and leave the plums for about ten minutes. Take another bowl and place the oatmeal, cocoa and flaxseeds in it. After that, pour the kefir and mix the ingredients.

Carefully chop the soaked plums in small pieces and add them to the mixture. It is a good idea to use a blender for this task because in this way you will get a puree.

Mix all the ingredients and store them in the refrigerator.

In the morning, take the bowl and eat the tasty and healthy breakfast. You can expect the first positive results after only one week!

It is not unusual to experience an odd feeling in the intestines after the first day, but once you eat this breakfast for the second time, the feeling should be gone.
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Scientists Explain What Happens to Your Body when You Drink Coffee Every Day

Coffee is drink that some of us cannot imagine not drinking it. We drink coffee to maintain our focus and energy levels. The topic of drinking coffee is  controversial and we are often unsure if it is healthy or not and what are its effects on our well-being.

Organic black coffee can be beneficial for us, according to science. When you still have doubts, make sure you check out the list below comprised of some of the best advantages of regular coffee consumption. You will be amazed!

The Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Scientists Explain What Happens to Your Body when You Drink Coffee Every Day #heaalth #beauty #fitness #detox #liver #blood #diy #coffee #diet

Improves the metabolism

After waking up people need a cup of coffee in order to increase their energy levels and although this is not a long-term solution, it does aid in starting the day better. This drank after a workout is known to better the metabolism and according to one study showed endurance athletes who consumed a cup of coffee after a workout had a 66 percent higher level of glycogen. That  enabled them to restore their lost energy quicker.

Good for the brain

As studies indicate, 3 to 5 cups of coffee on a daily basis, are capable of lowering the chance of dementia and Alzheimer’s by 65 percent in middle aged men and women. It can reduce the occurrence of Parkinson’s by 32 and 60 percent. Coffee can impede adenosis, a nucleoside in the brain that decreases the firing of neurons and the emission of neurotransmitters like serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.

Betters the mood

According to  Harvard study , adult men and women who drank 2 to 4 cups of coffee per day had a 50 percent reduction in the risk of suicide in comparison to those who did not drink coffee or drank decaf. The antioxidants found in  coffee, work combined to elevate your mood and happiness levels.

Minimizes the risk of skin cancer

According to one study in the journal of the National Cancer Institute adults who drank 4 cups of coffee or more per day had a 20 percent lower chance of melanoma. That  is probably a result of the antioxidants and phytochemicals in coffee.

Lowers the chance of liver cancer

A cup of coffee on a daily basis can reduce the chance of hepatocellular carcinoma by 20 percent.  About 4 cups can elevate this percentage to 50! It was also found that coffee decrease the chance of liver cancer and cirrhosis. Never exaggerate with its consumption. About 3 to 4 cups per day is sufficient!

Minimizes the risk of type 2 diabetes

According to  study done by the Harvard School of Public Health points , those who drank more than a cup of coffee and elevated the amount over 4 years experienced a lower chance of type 2 diabetes by 11 percent, which did not happen in those who consumed the same amount of coffee during this period.

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Military Diet: Lose 10 Pounds in Just 3 Days

The quick weight loss can be achieved using a military diet. The only thing you have to do is to follow the military diet strictly. You must stick to the portion of meal suggested and follow the diet’s guidelines.

However, the military diet is not that firm and allows the replacement of one fruit with another and you can even use lentils instead of meat.

The use of mustard, non-stick cooking spray, lemon juice, spices, tea, calorie-free sweetener, water and black coffee is also allowed during the diet.

The rules are simple and the menu is fixed. All you have to do is just follow the menu for 3 days and you will incredibly lose the weight. Here is the detailed menu for you.

Military Diet: Lose 10 Pounds in Just 3 Days #healthy #fitness #fatlose #fat #weightloss #health #diy

Day One:


– Grapefruit – a ½ part of fruit
– Toast – 1 Slice
– Peanut Butter – 2 tbsp
– Coffee or tea (with caffeine) – 1 Cup


– Coffee or tea (with caffeine) – 1 Cup
– Toast – 1 Slice
– Tuna – a ½ Cup


– Meat – 3 ounces
– Banana – a ½ part of fruit
– Apple – 1
– Green Beans – 1 cup
– Vanilla Ice Cream – 1 Cup

Day Two:


– Banana – a ½ part of fruit
– Toast – 1 Slice
– Egg – 1


– Cottage Cheese – 1 Cup
– Hardboiled Egg – 1
– Saltine Crackers – 5


– Banana – a ½ part of fruit
– Hotdogs (without the bun) – 2
– Broccoli – 1 cup
– Carrot – a ½ cup
– Vanilla Ice Cream – a ½ Cup

Day Three:


– Cheddar Cheese – 1 Slice
– Apple – 1
– Saltine Cracker – 5


– Toast – 1 Slice
– Egg (Cooked or Hardboiled) – 1


– Tuna – a ½ cup
– Banana – a ½ part of fruit
– Vanilla Ice Cream – 1 Cup

Even though you are on this diet you should exercise as much as you can.

People who are less active don’t have to do very hard exercises, they can walk around or do some easy stretching. But on the other hand, the active people could do activities like swimming, jumping a rope, running and etc. which are essential for losing weight. See the doctor before you start with this diet.

Many people are surprised by this diet because all the meals on the menu are simple to prepare and cheap.
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Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Sometimes, we often ignore the symptoms we experience, but it is a fact that the deficiency of a single nutrient can lead to numerous health complications.

The American diet is greatly changed these days, which has led to numerous health issues, and deficiencies in various nutrients.

One of the most common deficiencies is the one of magnesium. Magnesium is not easy to obtain from food sources, but it is extremely important for the human body. This essential mineral is responsible for over 300 processes and chemical reactions in the body.

People took this nutrient in sufficient amounts previously, as it was prevalent in the soil years ago. This is not the case today, mostly due to modern farming and the erosion.

Magnesium deficiency is also caused by the consumption of unhealthy foods instead of foods like seeds, nuts, dark leafy greens, mackerel, and beans, which are high in magnesium.

32 Signs You Immediately Need More Magnesium, And How To Get It #health #beauty #remedy #sign #diy

These are the most common symptoms of magnesium deficiency, which should never be ignored, in order to prevent other health complications:

  1. Dizziness

  2. Fatigue

  3. Memory loss

  4. Confusion

  5. Liver and kidney disease

  6. Difficulty swallowing

  7. Calcium deficiency

  8. Osteoporosis

  9. Constipation

  10. Hypoglycemia

  11. Anxiety

  12. Bowel disease

  13. Cystitis

  14. Muscle cramps

  15. Depression

  16. High blood pressure

  17. Hypertension

  18. Insomnia

  19. Fertility/childbearing issues: Getting or staying pregnant, preterm labor, preeclampsia

  20. Migraines

  21. Asthma

  22. Seizures

  23. Potassium deficiency: which is manifested by fluid retention, extreme thirst, and irritability?

  24. Tooth decay

  25. Nausea

  26. Blood clots

  27. Reynaud’s syndrome, manifested by numbness in extremities, cold fingers or toes, color changes in skin due to temperature changes

  28. Tremors

  29. Type II diabetes

  30. Personality changes: these symptoms are similar to symptoms of mood disorders like anxiety, and depression

  31. Heart issues

  32. Respiratory difficulties

To fix this issue, you need to consume more magnesium-rich foods, and you can even take some high-quality supplements. Experts recommend MULTIpro as it is also high in biotin, zinc, vitamin B1, vitamin A, zinc, chromium, and iodine.
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Workout that is Called NO SQUATS – Perfect for the Belly, Butt And Thighs

Here is the newest way of shaping up your butt, belly …the workout that  is created by fitness expert Ellen Barrett, star of Prevention’s Flat Belly Diet Workout DVDs.

A simple workout, composed of five moves and  a wall.
How to do:

– do it 4 or 5 times a week.
– repeat 10 slow, controlled reps of each move
– for  faster results, perform 2 sets of each exercise, adding at least 30 minutes of cardio.
Follow the instructions bellow:

1. Wall Bridge

– Starting position

  • laying on your back with your butt against the wall, place your arms at your sides.

  • plant your feet 3 to 4 feet up the wall,

  • bend  your knees and raise your lower and middle back off the floor

  • keep your shoulder blades on the floor

  • hold this position for a deep inhale, then exhaling

  • slowly return to the starting position.

– MAKE IT HARDER -cross your left ankle over your right knee so that only your right foot is on the wall.
– MAKE IT EASIER -without using the wall, just keep your feet flat on the floor as you are lifting into a bridge.

Pairing this workout with a healthy, but filling diet you have chances for the best results, which should aim to lose 5 inches of belly fat in 4 days, and all of that without feeling hungry.
2. Windshield Wipers

  • Lie face up on the floor with your legs against a wall, the bottoms of your feet facing the ceiling

  • slowly lower your left leg down the wall like a clock arm toward 9 o’clock,

  • return to the starting position

  • eepeat with right leg, sweeping toward 3 o’clock

  • continue to alternate legs until you’ve completed all of the reps.


– Wrap an elastic exercise band around your left foot.

-Hold both ends at your right hip for added resistance as you sweep your left foot down the wall.

-Do all reps, then switch legs and repeat.

-Move your butt 3 to 6 inches away from the wall while performing the move.
3. Toe Reaches

– Starting position – laying on the floor, press your heels against the wall keeping your legs straight.
– Reach  your right hand toward your left foot, allow your right shoulder to lift off the floor.
– Return to the starting position and repeat with your left hand and right foot.

-Alternate legs until you complete all reps.

MAKE IT HARDER -perform it  with your feet stacked toe to the heel.
MAKE IT EASIER – Stretch toward your knees.
4. Wall Scissor

– put your butt close to the wall, knees bent, and your feet planted on the wall

-raise your hips up,

-put your elbows on the floor and your hands on your hips to support your lower body

-walk your feet up the wall so that your legs are straight.
–  lower your left leg toward your head, keeping both legs straight

-return to the starting position and repeat with your right leg

-continue to alternate until you’ve completed all reps.


  • As you lower your leg, pause and pulse 2 or 3 times, moving it up and down an inch or two, before returning it back to the wall.


  • Start with your hips 3 to 6 inches away from the wall.

5. Knee Press

– lay on your back with your butt against the wall, feet planted 3 to 4 feet up the wall and knees bent
– lift  your back and butt off the floor, cross your right ankle over your left knee.
– keep the rest of your body flexed, pulse your knee toward the wall 20 times
– repeat 20 times on your left side.


– Lift and lower your hips a couple of inches with each rep, while you are pressing your knee.

-You can perform the exercise with your butt on the floor.

Workout that is Called NO SQUATS – Perfect for the Belly, Butt And Thighs #health #fitness #workout #beauty #butt #belly #fat #weightloss #diy #thigh
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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

My Cardiologist Cleans My Arteries And Heals High Blood Pressure With Only 4 Tablespoons A Day Of This Natural Remedy


It doesn’t cause any specific symptoms, but if not detected and treated on time it may lead to cardiovascular problems, kidney disease, heart attack, stroke and even loss of vision.

High blood pressure can have fatal consequences on our health, which is why it needs to be resolved sooner rather than later.

The usual treatment for high blood pressure involves lifestyle and dietary changes as well as prescribed medications.

However, these drugs can have adverse side-effects and may end up doing more harm than good. In order to protect your health and reduce your blood pressure, we have a simple natural remedy that will protect your heart and cardiovascular system easily and effectively in just a short time. Here’s what you need to do:

My Cardiologist Cleans My Arteries And Heals High Blood Pressure With Only 4 Tablespoons A Day Of This Natural Remedy #healthy #beauty #doctor #diy #remedy #cure #blood


  • 4 cm. ginger piece

  • 4 lemons

  • 4 garlic cloves

  • 2 l. of water


Wash the ginger, garlic and lemons well and peel them before cutting them to slices and putting them in a blender with some water. Mix well until you get a thick mixture, then pour it in a saucepan and start boiling it. Add 2 l. of water bit by bit, then let the mixture boil and take it off the heat. Leave it to cool down in the end before pouring it in glass bottles and keeping it in the fridge.

Drink a glass of the remedy every morning on an empty stomach and again a couple of hours before going to bed. The remedy will clean your arteries and keep your cardiovascular health in check, while also regulating your blood pressure. If you’re one of the unfortunate hypertension patients, try the remedy yourself – you have nothing to lose and much to gain.


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